NCS Lightness meter

43,00 HT

A smart tool for visual lightness assessment of different surfaces, colours and materials. The perfect aid when working with lightness contrasts in public spaces.



Contains colour samples from the greyscale that can be compared against surfaces to define colours’ lightness value. The greyscale sample that shows the most distinct similarity with the surfaces’ colour has roughly the same lightness value, which makes it a great help when you’re looking for colours and materials with similar or contrasting lightness values.


Lightness scale for simple assessment of colours’ lightness values. Contains 18 colour samples with round viewing holes for easy assessment. Shows NCS Lightness (v), luminous reflectance factor (Yl), and NCS notation. Language: english.

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg
Dimensions 205 × 95 × 4 mm

1950 colours with 55 repeats


216 pages


NCS Quality Level 1
80% < 0,6∆E00
100% <1,0∆E00 in D65daylight

Target gloss

90 GU in 60° angle

Gloss tolerances

95% of colours within 13-22 GU 60° angle

Quality control

NCS Edition 2 Quality Management incompliance with our ISO 9001 certificate

Paper size

295 mm x 50 mm, with rounded corners

Strip size

20 mm x 10 mm and 26 x 10 mm, 6 to 10 stripes per page

Text pages

Product description in one (1) language, 4pages. Table of content, 6 pages


200 grams


White cardboard,U-shaped


English, Swedish, German

Product size

55 mm x 300 mm x 75 mm (D x H x W)

Product weight
